Most hospice care (about 85%+) is covered by Medicare. Medicare’s Hospice benefit is inclusive, which means that it covers medication, supplies, and visits from hospice nurses, physicians, and other professionals up to 100%.
Medicaid and private insurance also cover the costs for some patients, though the percentage of patients using these is very small.

According to the Hospice Foundation of America,
Most hospice patients are eligible for Medicare, which covers all aspects of hospice care and services. There is no deductible for hospice services although there may be a very small co-payment for prescriptions and for respite care. In most states, Medicaid offers similar coverage.
Since cost is often a concern for patients or loved ones considering hospice care, a consultation with a member of the Shining Light Hospice team can help alleviate some of the uncertainty and stress. We can help ensure that finances are not an impediment to the patient having the best possible quality of life in their final days.