What Is Bereavement Support?
As a loved one approaches the end of life, family members and friends are faced with many challenges, including emotional and spiritual ones. Grief is a normal and expected part of the process, but having support throughout can help both patients and loved ones on the journey.

At Shining Light Hospice, all our hospice professionals are trained in providing compassionate care – physical, mental, and emotional. In addition to our medical team, we can offer the services of these qualified bereavement professionals.
Social Worker
The social worker is an important part of the hospice care team, helping patients and families navigate through the end-of-life process. They provide assessments of the patient’s mental, emotional, social, and spiritual needs that are used as part of the overall plan of care. As advocates for the patient’s needs, social workers can help both patients and families manage the stress of illnesses, assist with crises, and make connections to other support resources.

The social worker will typically schedule regular times to visit the patient but is available for additional consultations as well.
The hospice chaplain is available to meet with the patient and family as needed. The care provided by the chaplain is non-denominational, with the focus generally more spiritual, rather than religious. The chaplain, can, however address religious issues should that be requested.

Bereavement and grief support are available both while the patient is alive and for loved ones after the passing.